On the farm, there are so many great opportunities to learn about our Shepherd (the LORD) by being a shepherd for our flocks and herds.
I have noticed that when I lead our goats or sheep to a new location (a new pen or a new pasture) that they are not familiar with, they are nervous and fearful.
When I leave them they are unsettled and spend most of their time looking for me and yelling for me to come back.
They do not feel safe or comfortable.
When I am not around they will not graze and they want to go back to a place they know and are familiar with.
However, if I stay with them, they settle down and start grazing.
When the shepherd is with them they feel safe and they enjoy the good grass that I have led them to.
They are content when the shepherd is with them.
How about us?
The wonderful truth is that our Shepherd (Jesus) never leaves us. His presence is always with us and that changes everything (just like it does for our flocks). His presence with us brings us peace, comfort, safety, healing, contentment, and rest.
He makes us lie down in green pastures and leads us beside quiet waters. He restores our souls (Psalm 23).
It is amazing to me how much our flocks long for my wife and I to be with them.
They know our voices and recognize us and we bring comfort to them.

They depend on us.
The truth is that I am fully dependent on God (who is my Shepherd) and His care for me.
As my sheep and goats keep their eyes on me and look to me for their provision, safety, and care, may I walk through this life constantly keeping my eyes on Jesus for my provision, safety, and care every day.
I hope the same for you too.
- Jeffrey