Each week, we hope to share a few photos – just some simple moments from our farm to you giving you an insiders view on what life at the farm looks like.
On Saturday we officially finished our goat breeding season, so we had to do some shuffling of pens by moving our buck back to the boys pen, 3 girls back over to the red barn, and 4 of the younger boys out of the crowded boys pen into a smaller pen for more space.
Rather than getting the truck and trailer ready, we decided to just move them individually with the Mule.
Penelope was by far the heaviest pregnant mini so she got comfortable and enjoyed the ride.
Sweet Pea was a bit camera shy (that’s a first!) but she enjoyed the mule ride.
Cookie was the last girl to be moved over so she was very pleased to be reunited with her sisters in the Red Barn.
Bucky (left) was moved back into the boys pen after a 4 month stint with the girls and everyone wanted to challenge him for his previously held top rank. Stark (middle), was playing dirty so we moved him to the new pen with 3 others.
Vision enjoyed his mule trip with momma + daddy.
Brad enjoyed his return mule trip back to his old pen. I love Brad!
Vegas (Veggie) experienced his first mule ride - he did well!
I love your visual blog | newsletter. It's so endearing to see the babies and how things are going. So happy for you.